The Ajara Bank C0-op. Ltd. Ajara

Deposit Scheme > Pigmy Deposit

Little drops of water make a mighty ocean - This deposit scheme suits the needs of everyone viz. businessmen, professionals, wage earners, teachers, salaried personnel, traders, housewives etc. You can save money with the Bank regularly depending on your convenience. And you need not visit the Bank for doing so. The Bank's authorised Agent collects your savings at your doorsteps at regular intervals. And your money silently grows over 63 months into a lumpsum for meeting your future commitments e.g. daughter's marriage, children's education, family functions, house purchase etc.
Who Can Open the Account
  • Individuals
  • Two or More individuals in their joint names
  • Minors represented by the natural guardians
  • Proprietary concerns/ partnership firms
Benefits & features
  • Amount as low as Rs.5/- per day can be saved daily / weekly / monthly.
  • No penalty even if depositor is unable to pay installments regularly.
  • Deposit account can be closed prematurely subject to certain conditions.
  • Loans upto a maximum of 75% of the balance in the Pigmy account available.
  • Scheme applicable for 12 months to 36 months
  • Nomination facility available.
  • No tax will be deducted for the interest on the deposit.
  • The rates of interest are as fixed by the Bank from time to time.